My 7de Laan Site

Friday, January 20, 2006

I hate 7de Laan

I created this blog as a result of a soap that's playing here in South Africa called 7de Laan...

7de Laan is the worst piece of junk to ever come from South African TV and for some reason it has this huge following of people who always have the same way of defending it, "its good clean fun with no sexual undertones and filth".. to tell you the truth, that’s not the only elements that's absent in 7de Laan, the absence of the following is also noted:

  • good actors

  • realistic charaters

  • a story line that doesnt end in some sort of a celebration

  • a proper story line in general

  • a theme song that took longer than 2 minutes to wite..

  • Don’t get me started on the 7de Laan theme song, I thing the cats mating on my roof is more musical than that screeching "song".

    7de Laan, you make South Africans look bad!